Ibadah Camp 2020

I was nominated as Director Ibadah Camp CFS IIUM for the year 2020. Despite of many challenges faced during pandemic COVID-19 which hit our country since 2019, me and my committee team managed to conduct the programme smoothly with flying color.
Ibadah camp is whole programme for staff including academic and administration to build the IIUM personnel. The spiritual enhancement, alongside other physical managerial, curriculum, research and other enhancements, is indeed part and parcel of this human capacity building that included in the programme. Indeed, Imam al-Ghazali, in his Ihya’ Ulumuddin, identifies spiritual enhancement as the key to human well-being.
The programme was conducted from 19-20th November 2020. As the director, I managed conduct my team to find sponsorship in terms of monetary and goods. Alhamdulillah we also managed to get the 400 Al-Quran mushahaf donated by the Saudi Arabia Embassy.
The programme was divided into two part. Online talk through zoom and practical solat with facilitator which conducted around CFS IIUM with implementation of SOP released by Majlis Keselamatan Negara.