Sustainable Development Goals/ IIICE

IIUM Sejahtera Centre for Sustainability and Humanity was established on 25th February 2019 in line with Strategic Direction of IIUM (2019-2020) which envisions “Humanising Education Through Maqasid Shariah and Sustainable Development”. It is operating under Development Division, International Islamic University Malaysia.
We enVision IIUM Campuses to be Sustainable and Conducive for Learning and creating a Sejahtera Community which upholds Maqasid Al-Shariah and Sustainable Development Goals in its daily life.
IIUM through its flagship projects act as a centre to lead sustainable development for Gombak community, regional community and international community. As the goal of sustainable development is ultimately for human being, the term Sejahtera, which include values of humility, mutual respect and balanced co-existence should be the guide to any sustainable development initiative, thus explaining the significance of Sejahtera in the name of the sustainability centre. This is to ensure that we do not disregard the human element and more precisely, the spiritual part that makes up human.
Department of Biology conducting several SDG Programmes which some of the programmes was conducted by me as the Programme Director while other programmes, I involved as the committee.
Biology SDG has conducted a Committee Meeting to:
· Brainstorming
· Distributing task among committee members
· Preparing and completing proposal