Teaching Portfolio
Educational Goals
Nurture students who are balanced and harmonious (insan sejahtera) as stipulated in the Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan crafted on values-based holistic and integrated education for sustainable development (Education 2030)
Teaching and Learning
Provide conducive shared learning (culture of iqra) ecosystem geared towards the convergence of knowledge founded on the Tawhid in realising “comprehensive excellence”
Responsible research and sustainability/innovation
Engage in research and innovation that are relevant to the maqasid al-shariah and in meeting the global goals of sustainable development (SDGs) aimed at mercy for all (rahmatan lil alamin)
Insan Sejahtera
Humanising education by pioneering and exploring instructional leadership (khalifah) that is most appropriate in embedding trust (amanah) to deliver higher purpose of education (through teaching-learning, responsible research, and community engagement) built on values